Place: Amado Building, Room 814 (Note the room change)
Time: Tuesdays 14:30
Organizer: Ram Band
Talks (ordered chronologically backwards):
Date | Name | Affiliation | Title | Abstract |
21 April 2015 | Uzy Smilansky | Weizmann Institute | Dyson's Brownian Motion Model for Random Matrix Theory - Revisited | Link to Abstract |
14 April 2015 | Arik Yochelis | Ben-Gurion University | Origin of finite pulse trains in reaction-diffusion PDEs: Homoclinic snaking in excitable media | Link to Abstract |
31 March 2015 | Lev Buhovski | Tel-Aviv University | Boundedness and unboundedness of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian | Link to Abstract |
24 March 2015 | José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata | Imperial College London | Minimizing Interaction Energies | Link to Abstract |
16 March 2015 - *MONDAY* | Matthias Keller | Universität Jena | Does diffusion determine the geometry of a graph? | Link to Abstract |
20 January 2015 | Vitaly Moroz | Swansea university | Ground-states of a Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater type equation | Link to Abstract |
6 January 2015 | Guillaume Roy-Fortin | Université de Montréal | Growth and nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions on manifolds | Link to Abstract |
23 December 2014 | Iosif Polterovich | Université de Montréal | Spectral geometry of the Steklov problem | Link to Abstract |
9 December 2014 | Nir Gavish | Technion | Generalized Poisson Boltzmann and Differential Capacitance data: an inverse problem | Link to Abstract |
2 December 2014 | Mark Agranovsky | Bar-Ilan University | Common nodal surfaces in the Euclidean spaces | Link to Abstract |
25 November 2014 | Guy Gilboa | Technion | A spectral variational approach for image analysis | Link to Abstract |
18 November 2014 | Avner Peleg | Hebrew University | Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Lotka-Volterra models, and control of soliton collisions in broadband optical waveguide systems. | Link to Abstract |
11 November 2014 | Ofer Manor | Technion | Balancing Capillary, Viscous, and Vibrational Mechanisms for making High Surface Energy Liquid Spread over a Solid Substrate | Link to Abstract |
4 November 2014 | Yoel Shkolnisky | Tel-Aviv University | Mathematical challenges in cryo-electron microscopy | Link to Abstract |
28 October 2014 | August Krueger | Technion | Structure and Dynamics of Noncommutative Solitons: Spectral Theory and Dispersive Estimates | Link to Abstract |
21 October 2014 | Adrian Lew | Stanford University | Universal Meshes: High-order simulation of problems with evolving geometries |
Previous seminars can be found in:
2013-2014 seminars, 2012-2013 seminars and even earlier seminars.